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Visualizzazione dei post con l'etichetta paint 2019


Etna Aetnaea (2025)  Ink drawing by  Maurizio Puglisi Translator     Etna or Aetnaea is a woman In one of the many legends of Etna (or as it was called in ancient times “Aitna”) it is told that Etna was actually the daughter of Uranus and Gea; she kept the giant Enceladus, whom we talked about in the previous story, hidden under her. The tradition that identifies Etna with the feminine sphere is still common. The rich soil of Etna, in fact, is easily associated with the idea of ​​motherhood, abundance and fertility. Furthermore, to the question “...

The acrobat

The acrobat Oil painting by Maurizio Puglisi  (2019) There is a sea in silence up here and network I don't have But the drum grows in the blue and I will throw myself And they hold their breath for me but I will amaze them In the circle that later in the void I will do. The houses the people the streets far away there The mistakes of men here they no longer count The threshold of evil that is in us i or I'll go over And I'll reach you in the audience. Love that I have to invent I like poets and birds here on earth I do not have balance But my heart makes me risk And on this thread attached to the moon I will live every night Dying in front of your eyes and I will deliver myself to your breast In the flight I know. Caress your wheat and then up in the immensity Whatever promise will be more real from here For long seconds until I forget What a man up here can not stay. Love that I have to invent I like children an...


Honeybee By Maurizio Puglisi  oil on canvas 55 x 46 x 1.5 cm -2018 'On silence only one word manages to stay in balance, and is called sentiment.'