Etna Aetnaea (2025) Ink drawing by Maurizio Puglisi Translator Etna or Aetnaea is a woman In one of the many legends of Etna (or as it was called in ancient times “Aitna”) it is told that Etna was actually the daughter of Uranus and Gea; she kept the giant Enceladus, whom we talked about in the previous story, hidden under her. The tradition that identifies Etna with the feminine sphere is still common. The rich soil of Etna, in fact, is easily associated with the idea of motherhood, abundance and fertility. Furthermore, to the question “...
Cleopatra 2018 Cleopatra oil paint on paper By Maurizio Puglisi 2018 Antonio e Cleopatra WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE ANTONIO E CLEOPATRA CLEOPATRA - (Ad Antonio) Se è vero amore, dimmi quant’è grande. ANTONIO - L’amore che si può quantificare è da elemosinanti. CLEOPATRA - I confini entro i quali essere amata voglio fissarli io. ANTONIO - Allora occorrerà che tu ti trovi un nuovo cielo ed una nuova terra.